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Access Control Technologies: Latest Update
Discover the cutting-edge advancements in Physical access control technologies! From cloud-based solutions to AI-powered systems, remote control capabilities to facial recognition and iris recognition technology, and even NFC integration, there's so much to explore....
Latest in High Tech Video Surveillance
Discover the cutting-edge advancements in video surveillance systems for businesses that seamlessly integrate cloud-based technology and artificial intelligence. Stay one step ahead with our state-of-the-art solutions that offer unparalleled security, efficiency, and...
Latest in Fire Alarm Technology
Discover the cutting-edge advancements in fire alarm technologies that are revolutionizing safety measures. Stay informed about the latest innovations and breakthroughs in fire detection, prevention, and response systems. From intelligent sensors to real-time...
The State of the Commercial Alarm Industry: A Dynamic Landscape
The State of the Commercial Alarm Industry: A Dynamic Landscape The State of the Commercial Alarm Industry: A Dynamic Landscape The commercial alarm industry is a dynamic and ever-evolving sector, constantly adapting to the changing needs of businesses and the...
Here we go again! ADT Commercial is now EverOn?
Introducing a cautionary tale of ADT’s repeated divestitures in the commercial security sector. NOW they are "EverOn"? Sounds like the more appropriate name should be "EverOff". Over the years, they’ve shuffled commercial security accounts to various entities like...
Active Shooter Alarm & Alert System Upgrade for your Security System
Crisis Alert Many of AAA Alarms commercial customers are beginning to formulate a plan for their facilities to keep employees safe, in the event of an Active Shooter situation on their premises. AAA Alarms has upgrade options for your existing systems that...
Fike Video Analytics Flame, Smoke and Intrusion Detection System
Description Fike Video is a turnkey video smoke detection solution. The state-of-the-art, camera-based Fike Video Analytics smoke detection system, visually detects the presence of flame or smoke at its source, independent of airflow in the area. Fike Video...
Should I Replace My Old CCTV System Or Upgrade To HD-Over-Coax?
If you have an existing CCTV system utilizing coaxial cable and are considering paying your security service provider to replace the whole system, you may want to re-consider. Depending on your needs, you may be just fine utilizing HD-over-Coax technology. This will...
Take advantage of the NEW $1 million tax benefit by investing in security and life safety measures
Are you eligible for $1million in tax deductions? Businesses have been always been able to deduct business-related equipment placed in service, but security systems did not qualify – now they do. Beginning in 2018, the Tax...
Monitored Video Camera System Installed
Monitored Video Camera System Installed We have a large industrial facility in Southeastern Massachusetts, which had a 24hr guard service for over 30 years. Due to cost constraints, we were able to eliminate on site guards through the installation of a sophisticated...
Tyco Security Customers bought by Johnson Controls? An HVAC Company to handle your Security?
Here you go again folks! ADT large scale commercial accounts spun off to become Tyco Security? That never made sense. Now again, more mergers, Tyco is now Johnson Controls? Good for stockholders perhaps? How are you fairing as their security and fire alarm...
Access control system upgrade
Access control solutions for any commercial, retail, public or business environment. A variety of access control readers, doors, gates and devices allow us to deliver the right equipment, products and technology for every installation. Our access control management...
Why UL-Certified Alarms Are Essential for Jewelers
Would you drive a car that wasn't crash-tested or inspected to make sure all of its complex parts worked together in harmony? Hopefully not. The risks would be too devastating to overcome if something went wrong. Now, apply that same principle and cautionary...
Schools Need Carbon Monoxide Detectors. It’s Not Rocket Science.
In early March, a carbon monoxide (CO) leak coming from a basement boiler room at an elementary school in Dallas, Texas, went unchecked for an entire school day. Students went home with splitting headaches and, in some cases, were vomiting. Later that night the...
City of Cranston, RI implementing new Fire Alarm Radio Master Box system. All Gamewell boxes need updating!
The City of Cranston has implemented a new Fire Alarm monitoring network of new technology Radio based Master Boxes to replace the old "hard line" turn of the century Gamewell Boxes. This conversion will allow for more detailed information for specific...
AAA adds high security transponder to arsenal against intrusion.
AAA recently announced the introduction of new Multipath alarm transmission technology. This is UL certified Grade "AA" line security with encryption employed, making this technology not only the most secure, but the most trouble free in it's redundant Multipath...
Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Alarms in One and Two Family Dwellings
What are the current fire code requirements for one and two family home smoke and carbon monoxide inspections under the newly adopted Fire Code effective January 1, 2013 ?Determination of the Board: The following guidelines shall be utilized in the smoke alarm and...
RI Governor signs law to require carbon monoxide detectors in schools 2019
Let AAA Alarms help your school or department comply with the new Rhode Island Law mandating that your school facilities have professionally installed carbon monoxide detectors. AAA offers fully addressable and wireless carbon monoxide detectors to aid with...
SAAS Cloud Based Access Control Solutions
This Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model uses the following assumptions: •The base system is for a single site with 16 card readers and a requirement for ID badges, wireless locks, and video surveillance. •The initial capital and installation costs for the IT hardware...
Active Shooter Gun Shot Sound Detection Systems from AAA Alarms.
RI Fire Safety Code
Pursuant to R.I. Public Laws Chapter 12-337, the Life Safety Code of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Standard 101 (NFPA 101), 2012 edition, with annexes, except those portions specifically reserved, deleted, altered, added to, or otherwise amended as...
Facility Review: Access Control
Introduction To insure that the ever-changing security requirements of a facility are met, a periodic review of a site’s access control system and its associated policies is a necessity. In fact, conducting an annual access control system review is the first step in...
Cities and towns in Connecticut
AndoverTown184815.463,303Town meetingTolland CountyCapitol Region2AnsoniaCity18896.0319,249Mayor-councilNew Haven CountyNaugatuck Valley3AshfordTown171438.794,100Town meetingWindham CountyNortheast CT4AvonTown183023.1218,098Council-managerHartford CountyCapitol...
Cities and towns in Mass
MunicipalityType[1]County[2]Form of government[1]Population (2010)[2]Year established[3]AbingtonTownPlymouthOpen town meeting15,9851712ActonTownMiddlesexOpen town meeting21,9241735AcushnetTownBristolOpen town meeting10,3031860AdamsTownBerkshireRepresentative...
cities and towns in Rhode Island
Providence179,5092Warwick81,2183Cranston80,9794Pawtucket71,7705East Providence47,4256Woonsocket41,5087Coventry34,8738Cumberland34,4989North Providence32,34510South Kingstown30,71211Johnston29,15912West Warwick28,70913North...
Thermal Infrared IR Cameras : White Paper
What and Why Thermal cameras?Thermal cameras, unlike traditional visible cameras, use heat rather than light to see an object, giving them a huge advantage over other imaging technologies. Using minute differences in infrared (IR) radiation they produce a...
Church, Temple, Synagogue Fire Alarm Experts
AAA Alarm and Fire Protection has recently completed the design and installation of some of the largest Church/ House of Worship Fire alarm systems in RI. All system designs include AAA expert team to incorporate the delicate nature of the environment and structure,...
Industrial Facilities Fire Alarm Experts
RI Fire alarm code requires large scale Industrial facilities to install fire alarm systems. Many of these older "Mill era" facilities already have sprinkler systems installed, yet lack the required smoke detectors, horn/ strobe visual alert horns, heat detectors, and...
AAA Alarms now licensed in state of Connecticut!
AAA Alarms and Fire Protection is Now Licensed in Connecticut, completing their ability to service the RI, Mass and CT tri state area. AAA is proud to now be able to offer their unparalleled High Security Platform to Connecticut businesses with high security needs....
All Wi Fi is NOT the same! Let AAA Show you the commercial system difference
AAA Alarms via there low voltage licensed technicians, installs state of the art seamless Wi Fi, Wireless Internet backbone systems to attach to your existing corporate or large scale residential home network. Tired of machinery, printers, laptops and employee cell...